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    The Mayor shall be the political head of the City. The Mayor shall:

    (a)   recommend City policy;

    (b)  recommend to the Council appropriate and necessary legislation;

    (c)   recommend programs for the physical, economic, social and cultural development of the City;

    (d)  be responsible for public relations activities and represent the City for ceremonial purposes;

    (e)   represent the City in intergovernmental relations, personally or by delegated representative, at the direction of the Council;

    (f)   preside at meetings of the Council;

    (g)   establish and dissolve ad hoc committees, subject to approval by the Council;

    (h)  possess the authority to suspend implementation of any action taken by the Council by filing with the City Clerk, within three days after such Council action, a notice of suspension thereof. Such suspension shall constitute a motion for reconsideration of the action taken, to be voted upon by the Council at its next regular meeting;

    (i)   provide leadership and marshal citizen participation in City activities;

    (j)   report to the public from time to time on the affairs of the City;

    (k)  possess the authority and attributes of a Council Member;

    (l)   possess such authority and perform such duties as are granted or required by this Charter or by the Council.